Everything can change in the matter of minutes and it can be for the best or for the worst. My life has been changing since the day I was born, but now is when this change is starting to become my reality.. I am out on my own. And it is going to be like a roller coaster filled with emotions, experiences, and NO regrets. I am ready to begin my journey and spread my wings and soar to great lengths and achieve everything that I have my mind set to. We are never promised a tomorrow and we have to make the best of the day that we are living in. Make it so you have no regrets and you enjoy everything I do. I am ready to show the world what I can do and I will have no one stop me or under estimate the ability that I have.
This new journey with out my mom living with me will be hard. But I know that I am always with her in her heart and she only wishes the best for me. This is my time to shine and it is time for me to show everyone what I can do and that I am independent. I am ready to do things on my own and rely on nobody but myself. This is my future and my life and no one can live it but me.. The obstacles that I face will be new experiences that I will have to over come with all that I have. This blog will be my ability to express what I am going through and to help me stay positive and encourage me that I CAN DO IT!!!! Because as I stand to take those next steps towards MY future, I realize I have the ability to spread my wings and fly, soar as high as I can get.