Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Unexpected, The Unfamiliar

It amazes me how fast time actually goes by. It's so true hearing that the days are long, but the years are short. Being honest it is very hard to find something that makes you happy each and everyday. Just trying to change things in your life to form better bonds and become happier is hard. But there is always something there.

I've been pondering something I read the other day and I just can't help but agree with it. 'We seek to control our lives, but the unfamiliar and the unexpected are important sources to happiness.' But what does that even mean?

We live in this society that is run by technology. Everyone has social media and that becomes all means of communication, dating has become things like tinder, and shopping is more convenient online. And its just making living our lives more easier because we are all so busy. We all want exactly what we envision for ourselves. We seek out so much for ourselves, but half the time are never willing to take the steps to achieve anything. 

With all the technology, we are never satisfied. When it comes to dating or even friendship, we always want more. We never are going to be satisfied with what is in front of us because we think of the connection we may be able to have else where. Without even thinking about it we are planning for the future but are never taking the time to stop and take in all that is going on around us. The future is never promised to us so why can't we enjoy what we have? Why will we never be satisfied with what we already have? The grass my be greener on the other side but its because we aren't watering our own.

This life that we seek out to control and have it become all that we want, makes us hesitate all those things that may be unfamiliar or unexpected. I know personally that I like structure and I like  to have plans. 

One thing that was extremely important to me when doing my happiness project was to relax when it came to 'being late.' I realized one day while waiting for my friends an hour after we were suppose to go somewhere that me freaking out wasn't going to change the situation. And working on that has made a big change in my life and is something that has made me become happier. 

By doing this I opened a door to the unexpected and the unfamiliar because they are an IMPORTANT source of happiness.  Because sometimes when you are trying to seek out something, it comes when you aren't even looking. Take chances, be spontaneous, and try new things because these are the things that make you exactly who you are. And you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

Quote of the day: The unexpected is usually what brings the unbelievable.


Friday, January 2, 2015

The Happiness Project

As 2015 starts I sat and thought most of what I want this years. Like the resolutions everyone makes and breaks I wanted something different. I don't want to make my new years resolution be that i'm going to workout more or eat healthier. I wanted something that was going to beneft me in more ways. What I want is to become happier. Now don't get me wrong I absolutely love the life that I live and I am happy with were I am in my life. But there are so many things in this world that we all could do to make us happier. For me I could stop complaining, eat better, exercise more, stop procrastinating, enjoy my time with the ones around me, so many little things that I could change in my daily routine to make me happier. But how would I go about changing these things if I was waking up every day and saying that I will do it tomorroow (procrastination at its finest) I have to start somewhere.

So I am setting out on my happiness journey. I will take steps everyday, month by month, and live a happier life. I will get rid of all the negativity in my life and just surround myself with positivity. I had someone share a book with me the other day and I read about it and decided to buy it. Gretchen Rubin talks about creating 12 things you want to focus on, picking one each month for a whole year. For my happiness project and in the month of January I am going to focus on energy. 

Like Rubin did in her happiness project, I will focus on both physical and mental energy. Going to bed early and getting enough sleep are hard for me with my work schedule but I can still do other things. I will take small steps by drinking more water each day and also by working out everyday. Becooming healthier will provide me with more energy that I need. My hope for this project are not just to become happier but to document my journey. By doing that I have also began a 100 days of happiness on instagram. I hope to update my blog monthly as well. 

I hope everyone has the happiest 2015!!!

xoxo, Marissa

The days are long, but the years are short.

The Happiness Project
Gretchen Rubin

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Life is the best gift you will be given

Life is the only thing that we are going to be given and it is honestly going to be the best thing we are given. So why not make the best of it. Never let words go unsaid, or action go undone. I had someone come up to me yesterday and tell me how they noticed that on my Instagram I was always posting something that was so positive. And I laughed a little and turned to this person with a big smile on my face and said its what helps me get through my day. This is so true for me because if I am not positive about things then I am going to have a problem with how I go throughout my day. I am going to have a weight on my shoulder that I don't need there when I can replace that weight with air and just think of happy things. We are who we are and we are able to have bad days just like we are able to have good days when you think there is no such thing. I take that positive stuff that I post and use it towards my day. I try and make myself a better person with the knowledge that I am able to collect throughout the challenges that I face and also the challenges that I see others face. We learn so much from ourselves and the actions of others but most of us just ignore it. We see it happening and we don't think that maybe we could have learned something from it. When the truth is something so little can make such an impact on our lives and what we learn in our lives. I think its important from time to time for us to take a step back in our lives and enjoy the view. Not only that but when a situation comes up instead of make a choice right away we should take the time and look at the situation as a whole and take the time to learn something about it. We have so much to live for and so much that we can all accomplish in life if we just slow down and embrace everything. 

I deleted my Facebook a week ago and this has definitely made me look at things so differently. We are in the time were everyone life revolves around some sort of social media. For me it was Facebook, it was something that I was always on. When I was with a friend I would check it, when I woke up it was the first thing I looked at, my life revolved around Facebook and what everyone was posting. Five minutes wouldn't even be able to go by and I was back to checking it to see if there was something new that someone posted. I can honestly say that yes sometimes I get bored not having Facebook but  in the end its been such a weight that was lifted off my shoulder that didn't need to be there. My instagram is something that I do have but I am not on it as much as I was when I had Facebook. I stand by my decision 100% when I deleted my Facebook. I now have the ability to go out and enjoy my life without having to check my phone a million times. I can take that step back and enjoy this crazy thing called life with the people that I have all around me. Everything in our lives happen for a reason and my deleting Facebook was so that I could see what was going on around me. I had the ability 

In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Amazing weekend

Between yesterday and today I had such a good time. Yesterday was my 19th birthday and I feel so much older than that because all I've been through. But I'll take 19!(;

I went to work in the morning and they brought in cupcakes! Then I went and got free Dutch bro's and free Starbucks! At dinner I received the best gift ever... I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND! I am so excited because I've never been and it's such a special gift from special people! This is defiantly a birthday that I will NEVER forget! I loved ever single person I spent it with and it was just amazing.

And then today was another great day to the weekend that started off amazing. Sarah and I both took faith and cooper to a festival in QC and we had a blast. It was nice to get the kids out of the house and allow mommy to relax. And faith had so much fun, she got to bounce on the bounce house,, ride a pony, and a train! I love watching little kids that have nothing to worry about and no cares in the world enjoy themselves and be able to play like faith did today!

I couldn't be more blessed with my life. I have two great jobs, amazing living situation, and overall amazing people in my life!!(: happy girl!

Friday, June 22, 2012

The journey has just begun..

Everything can change in the matter of minutes and it can be for the best or for the worst. My life has been changing since the day I was born, but now is when this change is starting to become my reality.. I am out on my own. And it is going to be like a roller coaster filled with emotions, experiences, and NO regrets. I am ready to begin my journey and spread my wings and soar to great lengths and achieve everything that I have my mind set to. We are never promised a tomorrow and we have to make the best of the day that we are living in. Make it so you have no regrets and you enjoy everything I do. I am ready to show the world what I can do and I will have no one stop me or under estimate the ability that I have.

This new journey with out my mom living with me will be hard. But I know that I am always with her in her heart and she only wishes the best for me. This is my time to shine and it is time for me to show everyone what I can do and that I am independent. I am ready to do things on my own and rely on nobody but myself. This is my future and my life and no one can live it but me.. The obstacles that I face will be new experiences that I will have to over come with all that I have. This blog will be my ability to express what I am going through and to help me stay positive and encourage me that I CAN DO IT!!!! Because as I stand to take those next steps towards MY future, I realize I have the ability to spread my wings and fly, soar as high as I can get.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Change is the future

Have you every wanted to have some kind of impact on someone’s like? Something that, that person will never forget and they will always remember that you were the one to help them? I think everyone needs help at some point in there life no matter what it is for. More than anything I want to be able to help people because I think that is what this world needs. Whether they are kids or adults they are people and they need help in someway. The world has changed compared to what it use to be many years ago. This world isn’t safe anymore. You have children getting taken from there own home and getting killed, kids that are killed by the ones that are suppose to take care of them, the ones that they trust, and then you have the people that don’t care about anything they do and don’t care who they hurt on the way. These children that are out there getting harmed, abuse, and hurt are the future of this world. If they grow up knowing that the world is like that and criticizes everything the future is only going to get worst and become less safe and to me that isn’t fair because this world can be such a great and wonderful place.

Something I hear commonly is that people don’t know how to handle change, but that is something I don’t believe. If people don’t know how to handle change then tell me why isn’t it affecting them that technology is changing and taking over peoples lives? Or the fact that it is changing how kids are treated by there parents or how they treat there parents? Or even that there are world disasters that are happening and no one is doing anything about it? That is all change. There is change that is happening all around us, but people can’t handle change? That is a lie and I think the world is changing every single day all around us and people know how to handle it. But what I don’t think they know what to handle is the fact of making change that is good. People everywhere say that they want to change the world or they want to be apart of changing it. But why isn’t anyone stepping up and starting that change? I think it is because its not part of the status quo, the world wants to make change but its not what everyone is doing. And that is what is wrong with the world and people these days they have to follow and they can’t take the lead.

I am only 17 and I know that I am not able to change the entire world, or even a majority of it. But I want to be that one person that steps up and try. Trying may not fix everything but its one more person that is putting there foot out there to help and see what they can become and what they can do to make the world better than it is today. For me I want to help children because I feel they are the future and they are the ones that can carry this on. Social work will give me the ability to help children in everything that they need and make them see they are amazing people and that they deserve the life that they were given. I don’t expect to change every child’s life but if there are the couple that I can impact that will make me happy and make me feel accomplish. Children are everything and the way they are growing up right now isn’t right, these children are our future and that is something they need to be shown. I can’t wait to help change the world in my own way and beside the fact of becoming a social worker America isn’t the only country that needs to be save, but there are other children of our future that are suffering everyday, and that is those kids in Africa and other countries like that. Every child deserves there life and to live it like a child that they should. I do plan on visiting those other countries and also I plan on adopting a child that needs a family so that they are given the chance every child deserves.

Always remember when you see a child they are the future, Teach them the right things because that is what they deserve. Also, Change the world by taking one step you fell is right.<3

Monday, May 30, 2011

I did it!

I've been in school for 13 years and the night I walked across that stage to get my diploma I hadn't felt anything different and I didn't really feel like I even accomplished anything. But its been a few days now and I may not feel so to speak "different" but I do feel accomplished now. I hadn't when I first walked across the stage but I feel that these 13 years of school has done so much to me. I am ready to take on the world in my own hands and I am ready to spread my wings and fly. I want to prove everyone that I can accomplish so much and I am so ready to start. I know its summer and I get a break and I will take advantage of that break but once its over I am going to pursue every dream that I have and I will make the best of my life. If I fall the best I can do is get back up and try again. I wont give up on anything because I know that if I put my mind and my heart I am able to do anything I want. The future is a big thing in anyone's life, I know that this is the time to take it a little more serious than I ever had but at the same time to have fun and live my life.

I want to make this summer the best summer of my life and I can't wait to do that. Once the summer is gone and over with I want to make the next year of my life just as good. I want no regrets for my future and I want to leave my past in the past. I am only going to have people in my life that are good influence's and I will live my life how I want. This is the start of a new beginning that I am ready to put full force down and have it be the best. It's time to start the nest chapter in my life and I can't wait to see whats in store for me.

This up coming week I am going to MCC to get my classes for my major. Social work was something I choose because I want to so to speak "save the world." I want to work with kids and save them, kids deserve a chance and thats why I want to work in Child Welfare. Its going to be a lot of work but All I need to do is beleive and I have amazing people next to me pushing me and showing me that I CAN do ANYTHING.

I am ready for my life to really begin even in all the difficulties that is faces. Hello world, I am Marissa, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!